The Best Way To Increase Flexibility…Is There One?
All of the options discussed in this article can have benefits on flexibility and improving ROM.
Throw Faster: What Core Strength Can Do For You
The core is the foundation on which the incredibly fast and powerful movement of throwing is built on.
Dry Needling: I’ve heard of it, but what is it?
Dry needling is a skilled intervention that uses a thin filiform needle to treat myofascial trigger points, muscular, and connective tissues for the management of pain and movement impairments.
Considerations for Healthy Shoulder Training
Here’s three awesome training techniques for the shoulder to help you train effectively and safely!
Is Running For Exercise Safe For You?
Although a great exercise and a huge calorie burn, running is highly demanding on the body.
The Effects of Softball on your Body
Playing softball has a heavy demand on your hips and shoulders! Managing strength and mobility in athletes is crucial in optimizing performance.
Side-to-Side Asymmetries: Do They Actually Matter And What Can We Do About Them?
We all have differences between our right and left. Your dominant side may be stronger, bigger, or more muscular.
GIRD, The Life of a Baseball Athlete’s Shoulder
If you throw a ball thousands of times, the muscles in the back of the shoulder have to control the “follow through” phase of the throw.
Quick and Easy Screening Tool for Youth Baseball Players
The Arm Care Screen (ACS) is a quick, easy, and cost-effective tool for coaches, parents, and sports medicine staff to use during preseason movement screening!
Use Your Hips: Elbow Injuries in Youth Baseball Pitchers
The shoulder blade, also known as the scapula, undergoes mechanical and possible structural changes in pitchers.
Case Report: Post-Operative Repair of Pec Major
This case report reviews a complete rupture of the sternal portion of the left pec major tendon in a cross fit athlete. Here are the key points of the successful recovery:
Screen Baseball Pitchers for Injury Risk Using the Scapular Dyskinesis Test
A positive of scapular dyskinesis test increases the risk of a throwing-related shoulder injury compared to those with a negative test.